双语| 中国经济长期向好基本面不会改变

Crighton Racing目前最好的产品是CR700P,这是世界上第一台只需要9500rpm即可产生200hp转力的摩托赛车。然而这辆车只有136kg,在这个体量下能提供如此的扭矩和牵引力确实是世界范围内顶尖...

15. right on 想要对方感受到你强烈的认同感?那么推荐你使用right on作为回答。 16. amen 想要自己的回答带点宗教色彩?试试amen。Amen通常用作基督教祈祷或圣歌的结束语,意为“诚心祈愿...

7.target n.目标,对象v.把…作为目标:a target market目标市场/right on target一针见血,切中要害/target Chinese market瞄准中国市场 8.merger v.(企业的)合并 9.ally n.①同盟国,联盟②支持者v.结盟,联合:enter the war as an ally of France作为法国盟国参战/be al...

On the right path CPC’s leadership in the face of complex challenges and unforeseen circumstances has helped to fend off headwinds and maintain stable economic recovery. Despite facing numerous hurdles both at home and abroad, the economy has cont...

Notes: get off on the right/wrong foot的意义是某件事一开始就顺利或者不顺利。例如: They got off on the wrong foot in their relationship. 他们刚开始约会时并不顺利。 I need to...

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